We were so exhausted after that first day that we both slept like logs. The following day, everyone kept asking if we had slept, and I did feel a little guilty that I had slept so well the night before, even though our only child was in hospital. I have learnt that you can never let the guilt take over, it's a normal and reasonable feeling, but you do need to take time for yourself to rest and recover. How else can you give your child the support and love he needs to grow and develop.
So over the next 10 days, Cathal was monitored. The big concern was over his oxygen saturation levels. Due to his pulmonary stenosis, Cathal has less blood making its way to the lungs from his heart, this in turn means that he has less oxygen in his blood and this can be very serious and hazardous to his health if his saturation levels get too low. Almost every one has a saturation level of 100%. Cathal's cardiologist was happy for his sats to stay above 80-85%. The most obvious symptom is the blueness. He would have little blue lips or a dusky mouth and blue hands and feet (my little smurf).
We settled in to our room in Our Lady's, and the "Congratulations!!! It's a boy" cards came flooding in, and the presents, and the flowers. We would go home every night with more clothes for him than we had brought in that morning.
Hospital is a strange place, it's a little world of its own. You forget that there is life outside. Did I see the news??? What news? The ward he was on had 19 beds in 18 rooms and all the patients on the ward are heart babies under one. We were given the room right next to the nurses station, and it's a busy place. There is a large window in each of the four walls, so you can see all around you, and since we were there with Cathal everyday for most of the day, you begin to look into the other rooms, start speculating about the other babies and parents, make up stories about them, it's like living in a real life soap. I was amazed at the amount of babies that also had downs, and it was comforting, in a way, we are all in this together. It's an unspoken link or bond, you get to know your neighbour, even though you might never speak to them, and you watch their baby get better and you feel so happy for them if they get to go home or even move rooms down the corridor closer to the exit (the further you are away from the nurses station the better your baby is, the aim is to get to the very end of the corridor)
We had all of Cathal's cards hung up around the room, we had more stuff for him then any one else. Obviously, we were new at this, others had the minimum for their babies, and I understand why that is now. They had had their babies at home, the less amount of things you have for your child in hospital, the sooner you hope they will be back home. For me, that little room was home for Cathal, he knew nothing else. Every night I would look at his empty crib in our room and think that he should be there but know he didn't know this place. It's the hardest thing not to have him there with you all the time.
The two advantages of having a baby in hospital are you get a full nights sleep, and the baby weight drops off. People kept telling me "you look great, you've lost the weight!". My secret to post pregnancy weight loss!!! Stress and hospital canteen food....sign up now, only €599.99 for a 10 day programme, we'll take you through it step by step, we provide the sick baby!!!
Cathal's sats seemed to be staying up (Whooo!!) He had a little sensor plastered onto his foot that could read his saturation levels through his skin. Don't ask me how, I think they use magic. But the machine was set to certain levels, and if his oxygen dropped below that level, an unmercifully loud alarm would go off frightening the living crap out of us. The nurses are so used to it they tend to ignore it, they seem to have a sixth sense as to when the child is in any danger or not, so that leaves us parents looking at the machine, then at the baby, than back to the machine until some one comes in to silence the damned thing. Luckily the Dad figured out how to work that contraption, and after awhile we stopped jumping and started to casually glance across the room at the red flashing numbers. Ohh, he's fine.
While we were there for those 10 days, Grandad J, who lives 10min walk down the road from Our Lady's, took a fancy to the lunch served up in the canteen. You get starter (some kind of soup), main course (always beef/ chicken/ fish) and dessert for under €10. Now that's a bargain!! Grandad J has been known to go up there for his lunch, even when Cathal is not an inpatient, I'll say no more.
Ohhh crap.....what do we do with this little person now???
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