Now, I'm not into chain mails, or any of these if you don't send this on to 57 people your tomato plants will die and your apple tree shall be fruitless. When ever I get them, I tend to ignore them....delete......DELETE
But how can I resist.....Hammie, Maman (Nan P) you shouldn't have....

So here goes, I'm to nominate 7 others. I'm not going to dish out the rules (I'm such a rebel), but I am going to let those who I nominate to do what they will, and if they want to keep spreading the love, then go ahead. And these blogs are all ones that I check on a daily basis, ones that I really do love, and you can find them all on the left hand side.
Numbero Uno: Hammie, Hammie, Hammie. The first blog I read, and one of the two that inspired me to get all creative and start my own. Your honesty is refreshing, you tell it as it is. Your such an insperational person, and I only hope that I can be half the woman you are.
Second: Nick, you have a great way with words, and your blog also got me going to write. Most of all, you get this award for all the support in the early days, for all the advice and information, but especially for sharing Jacobs early days with me through your blog, and assuring both of us (the Dad and I) that we were not alone.
Three: Sesame, internet addicted, vomiting bug fighting super mammy of four, living in her house on the hill (sounds like a nursery rhyme). I love reading about your life and your kids adventures (do I sound like a stalker now?) All us special mammies need to sick together, support one another, make each other laugh from time to time, and that's what you do.
Quatrième: And now for a bit of nepetism, Nan P. Ahh, you know, sure I had to nominate you (I'll never here the end of it if I don't :-) ). No, honestly, your support in Cathal's life has been fantastic, as has all the famillies, both sides. And once he is old enough, you can babysit him for whole weekends if you your place.....(see, booking her already)
5th & 6th: Noah and Ava Cathal's Thursday buddies, both have wonderful parents who have decided to blog about their babies to share the ups and downs of having children with downs. Noah's dad's musings pre baby I think are so ensightfull and touching, they made me shed a little tear, and before Noah was born and we had even met him, I was constantly checking back for news. Ava's parents have such a great sence of humour (check out the passport photo) her blog just gives you a lift when you need it. Loving the holiday picks.
Seacht: And last but not least, Eadaoin. I went to college with Eadaoin (my second stint), and she actually worked where I work for a while too, before embarking on her travels. I love reading about what she is up to, the work she is doing, the amazing places she is visiting. She is doing such wonderfull work, looking after and helping lots of children with special needs who would otherwise be lost and forgotten. This is something I don't think I would have the courage to do (says the mammy of a baby with special needs!), to leave the comfort of home, and travel to a strange country, only to be attacked by giant flying coakroaches.
So these are my seven, do what you will with it my pretties!!!
Numbero Uno: Hammie, Hammie, Hammie. The first blog I read, and one of the two that inspired me to get all creative and start my own. Your honesty is refreshing, you tell it as it is. Your such an insperational person, and I only hope that I can be half the woman you are.
Second: Nick, you have a great way with words, and your blog also got me going to write. Most of all, you get this award for all the support in the early days, for all the advice and information, but especially for sharing Jacobs early days with me through your blog, and assuring both of us (the Dad and I) that we were not alone.
Three: Sesame, internet addicted, vomiting bug fighting super mammy of four, living in her house on the hill (sounds like a nursery rhyme). I love reading about your life and your kids adventures (do I sound like a stalker now?) All us special mammies need to sick together, support one another, make each other laugh from time to time, and that's what you do.
Quatrième: And now for a bit of nepetism, Nan P. Ahh, you know, sure I had to nominate you (I'll never here the end of it if I don't :-) ). No, honestly, your support in Cathal's life has been fantastic, as has all the famillies, both sides. And once he is old enough, you can babysit him for whole weekends if you your place.....(see, booking her already)
5th & 6th: Noah and Ava Cathal's Thursday buddies, both have wonderful parents who have decided to blog about their babies to share the ups and downs of having children with downs. Noah's dad's musings pre baby I think are so ensightfull and touching, they made me shed a little tear, and before Noah was born and we had even met him, I was constantly checking back for news. Ava's parents have such a great sence of humour (check out the passport photo) her blog just gives you a lift when you need it. Loving the holiday picks.
Seacht: And last but not least, Eadaoin. I went to college with Eadaoin (my second stint), and she actually worked where I work for a while too, before embarking on her travels. I love reading about what she is up to, the work she is doing, the amazing places she is visiting. She is doing such wonderfull work, looking after and helping lots of children with special needs who would otherwise be lost and forgotten. This is something I don't think I would have the courage to do (says the mammy of a baby with special needs!), to leave the comfort of home, and travel to a strange country, only to be attacked by giant flying coakroaches.
So these are my seven, do what you will with it my pretties!!!
Oh go on you! When you sweet-talk me like that I'm just putty in your hands. Aww shucks! Now I feel like the cowardly lion once he got courage!
See, now I have 2 blogs that sound well worth checking out. The world just got a little nicer and more connected too. Thank you for the compliments too. I also hate chain mail about Angels and shite, my guardian angel is on earth. Ibut I like the Menes as , if done creatively the reader gets a true insight. And reality sells. xx
Babysitting ALL weekend?.... In MY home?... Was that in the contract we signed when I accepted the promotion to the Granny-club? Dam it! I should have read the small print…
In any case, you have brought such a beautiful being into the world, how can we resist him? So, ok, I’ll do it once he does not need booby feeding anymore.
And you did not have to, but I accept the award, I accept…! It makes my day.
I have curbed my internet addiction a wee bit..hope that doesn't disqualify grabbing the award and running with it..thank you so so much..
If you pop over with the rest of them I can thank you properly..
Aww shucks thanks so much :)
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