Ah yes, he is keeping us on our toes, this little one. It all started last night, while Cathal was asleep. We noticed that he was short of breath and a little wheezy. So this morning, when he was still no better and he had an annoying cough that sounded more like a bark, we decided to visit our local A & E in Crumlin. And a good thing too. Turns out when we got there that his oxygen saturation levels were low, even for him.....between 58 and 60 (normally he is between 75 & 80). His chest was listened to in great detail, the doctor looked down his throat and discovered that his throat and airways are a bit inflamed. So yet another virus strikes again. When will they end?
A few doses of inhalers were administered, a steroid and after a few hours, he was jumping around the place. Ahhh......it's good to be able to breath again. His sats jumped up to 79/80 so we were let go....wohoo!!!
We've been given an inhaler to give to him as he needs, but he hates it. It's a two person job. How I'm going to give it while The Dad is at work, I don't know. Any takers??
About Me - workshops and online training.
5 years ago
Evening, so sorry to hear Cathal was unwell. Great to hear he is on the mend. They certainly keep us on our toes this lot. Keep the faith, if you need anything call Ciara as she is probably just on facebook or buying buns in Avoca and would have loads of time to help :)
Oh so horribly familiar. We never did the inhaler thing, but this might work. It did for our middle fella. Cheap (v. cheap) indoor kids' 'tent' from Argos, baby seat inside along with the steamer you use to do the bottles, without its top. Creates an indoor sauna for them, five-ten mins helps open the airways. Sounds complicated but it worked surprisingly well, esp if it's a recurring thing. Good vibes going out to the man.
Hope Cathal will be better soon. He's a fine young man. Happy & healthy New Year to you all. Love from Catherine's Mum. xx
"inhalers", ce n'est pas facile à mettre car l'enfant n'aime pas vraiment cela. on laisse gaétan jouer avec et il fait semblant de le mettre. parfois après c'est plus facile. ou alors je met gaétan assis, son dos contre mon ventre et je met l'inhalateur tout en berçant gaétan d'avant en arrière. parfois cela marche ... et parfois il n'y a pas de solution il faut être deux. Bon courage. dominique
I was so sorry to read this title on the iPhone! and even sorrier to read the whole thing just now. What a scare for you. I am willing those little lungs to get stronger and fight off those viruses as I write.
My tip is to wrap the bubba in a towel like a pusscat and then administer the meds as needed. Worked in Autie world??!!
Happy New Year Mammy. Hope it is full of virus repelling strength and growth.
I hope he is feeling better and that you have recovered from the germs he spread at Christmas... disguising them as wet smoochy kisses! He sure looks like he is loving his bath... :)
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