Two years ago today (10/03/08), our little boy was born. A few hours later, he was whisked away to Crumlin Children's hospital where he was diagnosed with having a couple of major heart conditions.
One year ago today (10/03/09), Cathal was in ICU just 24 hours after having his big heart surgery, and things were looking a bit hairy. We did not know if he would make it through the night.
Today (10/03/10), I am glad to report that it is Cathal's birthday...HORRAY!!!! He's a big boy now, and full of big boy ideas, tantrums and laughs.
He is here, he is healthy, and he is thriving. To celebrate our boy, and to start putting together some happy memories of his birthday, we decided to hold a big birthday party for Cathal last Sunday. I would firstly like to thank everyone who came, everyone who helped set up the room and clean up, and those who helped out with food, balloons and the sound system (you all know who you are).
I would also like to thank everyone who put money into the Heart Children Ireland box. Cathal already has far too many toys, and we thought that the money that is spent on birthday presents would be better used helping out other cardiac children. I know a few of you brought him a present too, and you really shouldn't have...but thank you too :-)
A grand total of 445euro & 10cent was collected on the day.....Amazing!!!!!!
Happy birthday Cathal! I hope you got spoilt rotten, ate lots of cake and other food you are not usually allowed, and were totally overtired by the end of the party!
Luke sends you birthday wishes too :)
he is gorgeous! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Cathal and all the best in your life. Have a nice day for your birthday. Don't eat too much chocolate cake !(smile)...
You are very looking !
Big kisses
Love a lot
Malika and Co
comme il est beau et élégant avec son sa cravate! et comme il a poussé en deux ans!!! super hyper bon anniversaire à notre cathal, plein de bisous et d'amour
dom and co
He's gorgeous and so happy. What a great job you guys are doing - the little man is thriving!
It's so nice to see how much he's grown. He's a cutie!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Cathal!
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