18 April 2010

Hip Hip HOORAY!!!

A few days ago, Cathal's cardiologist gave him the all clear....

That's right, Cathal's heart is looking fantastic.....wohoo!!!
We were in and out of the doctors office in 5 minutes, RECORD TIME...

And guess what, our cardiologist doesn't want to see him for another year :-)

I've had a big cheesy smile on my face all week

Hip Hip HOORAY!!!

My heart? There's nothing wrong with it now,
it's as good as perfect


Mel said...

Yay!!! That is super exciting. Very happy for you :)

Jeffrey Goble said...


Clive said...

Just popped over from Nan P's blog to say 'fantastic' news!

Cheri said...

Woooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo, I sooo totally get that feeling of elation over those words from the cardiologist...such great, great news!!!!

The Muse... said...

Terrific news!

jazzygal said...

That is wonderful news!! I have been following Cathal's story over at Nan P's blog. I am delighted for you all. xx Jazzy